Why do I operate my acupuncture practice on a sliding scale?
While acupuncture is an effective tool in preventive care and overall wellness (including pain relief, stress management, digestive health, OBGYN health, allergies, and many others), it usually takes more than one treatment to provide long-term results. In China, people can get treatments daily, sometimes more than once a day, depending on the condition.
The number and frequency of treatments needed depends on the condition, for how long you had it, how severe it is, and how is your overall health. Generally, an acute condition may improve within a few treatments, while a chronic or long-term condition might take twelve or more treatments before we can see sustained results. Depending on what you are seeking treatment for, your acupuncturist might want to see you more often in the beginning until you get to a maintenance phase, and only need treatment every so often.
Getting acupuncture treatments often might not be financially feasible for many of us. My goal is for the cost of acupuncture not to be a barrier to your treatment, so that you can come as many times as you need.
My fee schedule is a sliding scale of $50-$100 for a 60-minute session.
Depending on your own finances, you decide what you want to pay within the scale.
You decide what you can afford.
You don’t always have to pay the same for each visit.
You can decide what works for you.
You can book an appointment here.
I realize that a sliding scale of $50 to $100 might still be a stretch for many people. If you are having financial difficulties, please reach out and let me know. I would be happy to make accommodations. I rather you get as many treatments as you need. Contact me here.
To help with the costs of acupuncture, We offer Community acupuncture sessions every Thursday from 12-5pm.
Here the sliding scale is $15 to $45 per visit, and you can book here.